Friday, May 23, 2008

Sage 3.0.2.rc3 released

Hello folks,

here we go with 3.0.2.rc3. It is basically a bunch of bug fixes for rlm's codes code that had a couple small issues left ;) In addition there is one pbuild issue fix that Jaap encountered and that in the past was also hit by David Joyner. You can download the Sage 3.0.2.rc3 sources here.

Unless something goes horribly wrong this will be identical to the final 3.0.2 release. If you added some feature that should be in the Sage release tour please add them to Sage 3.0.2 release tour wiki page. Right now that list consists of

  • Franco Saliola and Peter Jipsen's posets and semi-lattive patch
  • Robert Miller's self-orthogonal binary codes
  • Bjarke Hammersholt Roune's Frobby is now an optional spkg

But feel free to add items. As usual please test and report any issue you hit.



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